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Diane served in Vietnam as a trauma nurse in the burn and surgical wards of Vung Tau and Pleiku, 1968-69.


She led a ten year mission to honor the women serving in Vietnam and throughout the world with a Vietnam Women’s Memorial.


Today her work focuses on readjustment services for veterans.

About Diane

Diane Carlson Evans is the Founder of the Vietnam Women’s Memorial, dedicated in Washington DC near the Wall of Names on Veterans Day, 1993. As a former Captain in the Army Nurse Corps who served in Vietnam in 1968 and 1969, Diane Carlson Evans had a profoundly personal interest in remedying the omission of recognition for women veterans. Working in surgical and burn units, her first-hand knowledge of the casualties of the Vietnam war and the sacrifices of the women who volunteered to leave the comforts of home to support their fighting brothers in a foreign land, led her on a ten year mission – during which she had to convince government agencies, Congress, journalists and the public that building a women’s Vietnam memorial was a necessary part of the healing process for female war veterans.

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Healing Wounds by Diane Carlson Evans

The Book

Diane’s long awaited book Healing Wounds, A Vietnam War combat nurse’s 10-year fight to win women a place of honor in Washington D.C. is now available on AmazonBarnes and Noble, Simon & Schuster, and local booksellers. It was released on May 26, 2020.

Diane states that her book wouldn’t be possible, nor the dedication of the Vietnam Women’s Memorial, without the support of her husband and family, and the hundreds of individuals who came forward to assist – despite the naysayers and fierce opposition against accomplishing the mission.

“I wish to express my deep and everlasting gratitude to the hundreds of volunteers, donors, supporters and organizations who so generously gave their time, talents and personal treasure to move the vision of a Vietnam Women’s Memorial forward. With their contribution and the steadfast work of our board of directors and staff we achieved our mission of moving forward a process of healing and hope for the women who served and their families. It wasn’t easy. I didn’t accomplish this monumental effort alone. I am grateful to all, and can never thank enough each and every person who made a difference. In the end, was it worth the anguish of the never-ending trials and tribulations – the loss of ten years in the hours given to accomplishing every step, every feat? I see the answer every time I visit the Vietnam Women’s Memorial.”


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Past National Commander Denise Rohan accepts on behalf of Diane. Photo by Mike Rohan.
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The Memorial

On Veteran’s Day 1993  the first monument  to honor military and civilian American women’s patriotic service, achievements, courage, and sacrifice was dedicated on the National Mall just 300 feet from the Wall of Names.  The Vietnam Women’s Memorial brings reconciliation and healing for all veterans, their families, and the nation. Women’s contributions no longer hide in the shadows but inspire us today.

On Veteran’s Day 2018,  the 25th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Vietnam Women’s Memorial in Washington DC was commemorated at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. With several thousand people in attendance, visitors once again heard the voices of women veterans sharing their story. See the Memorial’s website here.

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The Vietnam Women's Memorial in Washington D.C.